• 【Technical document】How many glass bottles can a set of glass bottles produce?2016-01-13 Glass bottles are commonly used packing materials, and glass bottle packaging products have a wide application in our life. In our daily life, the type of glass bottle products used is also more and more.
  • 【Common problem】The chrome - plated glass bottle moulds are widely used in gl2016-01-13 Glass bottles are widely used in our production and life, and glass bottles are used in the production of glass bottles. Glass bottle moulds have an important influence on the production and production of glass bottles.
  • 【Common problem】Knowledge of punch mould2016-01-10 Stamping die in cold stamping process, the material is processed into parts. The stamping is at room temperature, USES the mold that is installed on the pressure machine to apply pressure to the material, causes it to produce the separation or plastic
  • 【Technical document】Mold design and manufacturing considerations2015-12-18 Jacking direction: the glue level should be flat or upward, otherwise it will be delayed. Compare the width of the slanting top, add a frame to the thimble, reduce the slanting height to ensure the strength.
  • 【Company dynamics】Analysis of the status of mold production process level2015-12-17 Mould level of production technology, has become a measure of a country manufacturing level, one of the important marks because the mold to a great extent, decides the quality of products, benefits and new product development capability.
  • 【Technical document】Basic knowledge of mould2015-12-17 General definition: mold in industrial production, with all kinds of press and in a pressure on the special tools, metal or nonmetal materials through the pressure to make the required shape parts or products, this kind of special tools are collective
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