• 【Common problem】The selection of mold material should pay attention to two ma2016-01-13 In order to raise the use efficiency of the mould, we can choose reasonable mould material, to improve the mold working conditions, improve the quality and service life of mould, so as to better the use of the mold, the following about mold material,
  • 【Technical document】Andy die analysis to improve the quality of glass bottle moul2016-01-10 Glass bottle moulds are one of the main tools in the production and production of glass bottles. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of glass bottle moulds in order to ensure the quality of glass bottle production.
  • 【Company dynamics】The mold industry diversified development2016-01-10 The accuracy of the precision mold is generally 5 micrometers, and the precision of the mould will be higher and higher as time goes by.
  • 【Common problem】Glass bottle moulds are indispensable in the process of makin2016-01-10 In today's different production industries, the application of glass bottles is very necessary and plays an important role in our industrial production process.
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