• 【Technical document】Introduction of glass mould2016-01-13 Glass mould is the main production technology and equipment, glass products mainly divided into container glass mould and class glass mold, mold in the process of using inner cavity quality decided to the surface of the glass products quality and prod
  • 【Technical document】Key points of production of glass mould material2016-01-13 The molds produced by glass moulds must be annealed by high temperature graphitization to ensure the uniformity of ferritic tissue in the absence of residual stress.
  • 【Company dynamics】Components and processing of glass bottle mould2016-01-13 Glass bottle moulds are important tools for making glass bottles. Therefore, it is necessary for glass bottle manufacturers to manufacture glass bottles.
  • 【Common problem】The reason for the difference of hard chromium bonding streng2016-01-13 There are two main reasons for the difference of hard chrome bonding strength of glass mould: iron structure is not dense, porous, easy to infiltration solution and not easy to clean. Cast iron with high carbon content, erosion a bit excessive, surfac
  • 【Technical document】The effect of the raised phenomenon on the product is on the2016-01-10 Glass bottles and appearance of the product quality is better than a bad first mold material has a key role, in the process of glass molding, mold frequent and around 1000 ℃ melting glass (glass molding products) at the beginning of contact, the mou
  • 【Company dynamics】Description of maintenance of glass bottle mould2016-01-10 Glass bottle mold is an important equipment of producing glass bottles, in glass bottle production is very important, therefore, in the process of glass bottle production, must pay attention to glass bottle mold repair and maintenance.
  • 【Common problem】About die craft introduction2016-01-10 The mould designer will draw the 3D drawing according to the sample. If the 3D drawing is provided, the mould designer can conduct the review directly.
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