• 【Company dynamics】Common glass mould material2016-01-13 Commonly used glass mould material is heat resistant cast iron, stainless steel and heat - resisting alloy steel, after processing, the surface intensified treatment.
  • 【Common problem】The reason for the difference of hard chromium bonding streng2016-01-13 There are two main reasons for the difference of hard chrome bonding strength of glass mould: iron structure is not dense, porous, easy to infiltration solution and not easy to clean. Cast iron with high carbon content, erosion a bit excessive, surfac
  • 【Common problem】Glass bottle moulds are important tools for making glass bott2016-01-13 Glass bottle moulds are important tools for making glass bottles. Therefore, it is necessary for glass bottle manufacturers to manufacture glass bottles.
  • 【Technical document】The effect of the raised phenomenon on the product is on the2016-01-10 Glass bottles and appearance of the product quality is better than a bad first mold material has a key role, in the process of glass molding, mold frequent and around 1000 ℃ melting glass (glass molding products) at the beginning of contact, the mou
  • 【Technical document】Analysis of the use of glass bottle molds2016-01-10 The material of glass mold is made of gray iron is heat-resistant, in the process of production is not easy degradation, but after a long time to use at high temperatures and the oxidation of release agent how much will a bit damaged.
  • 【Common problem】Design and manufacture of glass bottle mould2016-01-10 Glass bottle moulds are important tools for the production and production of glass bottles. The requirements of the design and production of glass bottle mould are: accurate size and smooth surface; Reasonable structure, high production efficiency and
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